Pineview Dam- Eden, Utah

September 9, 2010


Jerry has relatives in Oklahoma City so we decided to keep going after Dallas and drive the 3 extra hours to OKC. We had such a blast. He has so many memories with these family members and we loved it.

This is the Oklahoma City bombing memorial. The water represents where the federal building once stood.

The chairs are organized by floors of the building and who was killed on what floor. A very sobering experience. The small chairs are for the little children that lost their lives.

This is Aunt Barbara and cousin Avery with Mia

This is cousin Angee. She is the new principle at this elementary school so we went to check the place out

1 comment:

gumpin said...

Do you suppose there are any Christian churches in sight of the memorial? McVeigh and Nichols, the terrorists who bombed it were Christian.