Pineview Dam- Eden, Utah

May 16, 2012

3rd bday part 2

I realize why moms only do birthday parties every few years. It seems like it will be easy and not a lot of work but at the end of the day, I couldnt get into bed fast enough. It wiped me out! We had a lot of fun at the park with friends. All of her close friends were there. She loves to see her friends and they all almost act like siblings because they are together so much. As I was lighting the candle, she said "okay everyone, sing happy birthday to me". It was so so funny.


Jenny said...

that guitar rocks. literally one of dalton's favorite things in our house :)

those girls sure are freaking adorable. i love that last picture of bri! and i can imagine mia telling everyone to sing to her, how funny.

Sheila said...

HOLY COW, I want one of those cupcakes, they look DELISH!!! MMMMMM....wish we could be there celebrating our kids' b-days together. Love you Jenny. You stinkin' girls are SO. CUTE!!!!